MSE GmbH has gathered a multinational team of seasoned professionals with globally-recognized experience in the metal, particularly in Aluminum, industries. Our competence and knowledge paved the way to innovations in metal trade, supply chain and operations, as the combined 30+ years of experience have enabled our team to perfect the general and project management skills and expertise, as well as finesse the investment management.

  • Address: Schulhausstrasse 19, Walchwil, 6318, Switzerland

General Engineering Plates

MSE provide a wide range of General Engineering products, Heat Treated or Not Heat Treated, to meet and satisfy all customer requirements, thanks to dedicated hot rolling processes and stretching for a wide dimensional range of plates in the 1xxx, 5xxx, 6xxx alloy up to over 80 mm with minor deviations from flatness compared to the applicable international standards. Thicker gauges are also available on request and technical feasibility analysis will be conducted by our engineers. GE plates are guaranteed in accordance to main standards like the EN 485-2 for all the alloys, the ASTMB947 or ASTMB209 for 6xxx alloys. Finally, many less common alloys like 2017A, 6013 and 7020 have been developed to market readiness for several customized applications.

Precision cut plates

The precision cut plates supplied by MSE are perfectly even and flat, residual internal stress has been eliminated in order to optimize the cost/benefit ratio for the most demanding applications like vacuum chambers, LCD and solar panels structures, conductors’ supports. The chemical composition certification is accompanied by mechanical properties and ultrasonic tests certificates to guarantee a minimum level of micro-porosity and uniform grain structure; moreover, they can be supplied in standard and rolled state versions, with heat treatment as specified by the customer and with surface roughness below 1 μm. The most common alloys are available: 5052, 5754, 5083, 1050, 6061, 6082 with thicknesses up to 400mm (rolled) and 550mm (as cast).